As you were informed by Maru, the winter holidays MUST be one week more, but in one case of one school, they decided to leave the holidays how they are. St.Andrews Scots School can also decide to leave the holidays how they are. So don't get so HAPPY yet because we don't know nothing. If the school enlarge one week the school , (I heard) that the school would take out our September holidays.
So, now PLEASE answer this questions!
* What do you prefer, one week more on Winter holidays or September holidays?
* What do you think about closing the school? you wold make the things they recommend us to do or you would not?
* You would make all the homework the teachers gave us?
* Would you miss me? I'm going to NORWAY!
* And the last question Chan Chan Chan . You liked me post?, me too
I hope and pray the you liked my post!
Lots of Hugs and Kisses! and I would miss you all A LOT!
I can't send a mail from NORWAY because we can't use computer!
Lots of loves Natalie.P
Hello Naati,
ReplyDeleteThe post is great, I laugh as lot of the picture!
Yes, as Northlands school had taken a winter holiday week and the week of September. School, have also they have the right that they can clode school! All the persons say that they didnt had home schoolig. It is true, but only 3 days they didn have, then they had the sam as us!
1) I prefer having one week more of winter holidays, because I prefer being a LONG time in a place, rather than having many short ones! But really I wish we could have both!
2) I think that they close the schoo because the Minister says it, but if not, they werent going to close it! I would do the home wor they send us to do, because that week is ot another HOLIDAY WEEK! It is a HOME-SCHOOLING WEEK! All though we have to read in the holidays, that that is home-work.
3)Nearly, is the same question as the second one, but I am going to answeer is again! Yes, because there are not another holiday's week, they are not going to give us the week because htey want, they have a reason, that they have to obey it. And, send as HOME WORK!
4) Yes, Nataliee yoou DONT know how I am going to miss you! The school without you is going to be silent and quiet. JAJAJA! I loove you! Good trip ehh!
5) Nati, I love your post, I had a great time commenting it, it is very original and creative! Good Job!
The girl that is going to miss you most,
Beelu D
Heeelo Natii!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post, it is quite simmilar to Maru's post... But anyways i LOVE it.
The picture is sow cute and very beatiful, like you.. Ja Ja. I hope you have a lot of fun in Noorway, and that you have a great time. I will miss you too much, but i know you will be having a great time and you will be back in August. Please later tell me how the tango (with Martin.E) came out Ja Ja.. I would love to be there to see you dancing tango Ja Ja.
Now i will answer your questions, which i think are very good;
1.I don't really know what i prefer because i would love to be in the United States one week more because i can be with my family, i can go shopping(Ja Ja), i can go to all the camps i go, i can go to my swimmng club,whcich i LOVE and last but not at all least i can be with all my friends from U.S.A. But i would also love to go skying in September, because those are the vacations which i go with my father to Bariloche and i also think that it is not good to have so much time of school without a vacation, imagine the to last terms with no vacations?? I don't!! So my conclusion of this question is that i would like both(Ja Ja)...
2.I don't really like school being closed because that means that we are passing by a bad moment in Argentina and that this Flew is very contageous and dangerous, because lots of people have died because of this Flew.
But i also like that we can go to sleep at any hour and that we can wake up at any hour... I would respect the rules because they are there for our own protection and if we don't respect them to the only one we are doing bad is to ourselfs!
3.Oviesly i would do all the homework the teachers gave us, because they are doing all that effort for us not to stay in our holidyas. Imagine if everyone didn't do the home schooling, then we would have to stay in holidays to compensate what we didn't do. Also as the rules if we don't do the homework to the only ones we are doing bads is to our selfs.
4. Nati i will miss you A LOT! I mean you don't imagine how much i will miss you, as i sayed at the top of my comment; I hope you have a lot of fun in Noorway, and that you have a great time. I will miss you too much, but i know you will be having a great time and you will be back in August. Please later tell me how the tango (with Martin.E) came out Ja Ja.. I would love to be there to see you dancing tango Ja Ja.
5.Naatii i simply LOVED your super post, it was very good and it made me think a lot... Great idea and keep on posting these great things.
ps: I will miss you too much, have a nice trip!
Hello Nati, I am going to answer your questions.
ReplyDeleteI would like more to have the holidays of Septemper, because we are very tired and so, we need holidays. I don´t like the idea of that the school is closing, but it is good in another way to care our selfs form the gripe a. I would do the things that recommend us to do. I would do all the homework the teachers give us. Yes Nati, I will miss you a lot!!! I loved your post with your own questions!
Nati, your post was very original, although it was a bit like Maru´s, but your quesitons were totaly different, that is the important.
OUR blog is great...keep on posting
ps: I hope you enjoy your trip to Norway!
meli b